Chakra Series: The Solar Plexus.

The third chakra, also called the Manipura chakra, is a source of personal power and governs self-esteem, warrior energy, and the power of transformation. It is where you access your abilities to manifest, self-motivate and build the vital energy needed to propel you forward in life.


Central Issues: Personal power, courage, excitement, motivation, vital energy, manifestation

Vices: Amphetamines, work, caffeine, anger, perfectionism

Balancing/Revitalizing Crystals: Amber calcite, citrine, sun stone, tiger’s eye

Balancing/Revitalizing Essential Oils: Grapefruit, lemon, lemongrass, marjoram, peppermint

Mantra: “I allow my light to burn through anything that prevents me from growing.”

In Practice: Forearm Plank, Breath of Fire, Boat Pose, Banana Pose

The Basics.


Location: Center of belly/core

Developmental Stage: Ages 15-21

Color: Yellow

Element: Fire


Chakra Series: The Heart.


Chakra Series: The Sacral.