Chakra Series: The Sacral.
The energy of the second chakra, sometimes known as the sacral chakra or Svadhisthana, is the power of partnerships, how we begin to relate to others outside the family tribe, the creative exploration of life and relationships, sexuality, and discovering the power of choice.
Central Issues: Sensitivity, sensuality, expressing needs, letting go, emotional balance, creativity,
reproductive issues
Vices: Alcohol, sex, addiction
Balancing/Revitalizing Crystals: Bloodstone, carnelian, moonstone, red jasper
Balancing/Revitalizing Essential Oils: Bergamot, cinnamon, hibiscus, jasmine, ylang-ylang
Mantra: “I honor my sacred sexuality, waves of emotions and creativity that I bring to the world.”
In Practice: Figure Four Chair, Yoga Squat, Double Pigeon, Happy Baby
The Basics
Location: Below naval
Developmental Stage: Ages 8-14
Color: Orange
Element: Water