Chakra Series: The Root.

Muladhara, the first chakra, is the chakra of stability, security, and our basic needs. It provides the links between our energetic system and the physical world and serves as the base of our life force energy.


Central Issues: Survival, stability, grounding, fear, safety, self-preservation, perception

Vices: Food, gambling, shopping, sex, work

Balancing/Revitalizing Crystals: Garnet, hematite, onyx, smoky quartz, tourmaline

Balancing/Revitalizing Essential Oils: Palo santo, cedar, clove, patchouli, rosemary, sandalwood

Mantra: “I am secure. I am safe. I am connected.”

In Practice: Tree Pose, Warrior II, Downward Facing Dog, Butterfly Pose

The Basics


Location: Base of spine

Developmental Stage: Womb - 7yrs

Color: Red

Element: Earth


Chakra Series: The Sacral.


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