Chakra Series: The Heart.

The Anahata chakra is the center for love, compassion and spirituality. When the heart chakra is in healthy alignment you will feel surrounded by love, compassion and joy. You will find the ultimate comfort in being connected to the world around you.


Central Issues: Love, compassion, acceptance, patience, forgiveness, openness, gratitude, balance, sharing, coping skills

Vices: Ego, stubbornness, narcissism

Balancing/Revitalizing Crystals: Amazonite, aventurine, kunzite, malachite, rose quartz

Balancing/Revitalizing Essential Oils: Bergamot, geranium, jasmine, patchouli, poppy, rose

Mantra: “I am learning to love myself.”

In Practice: Cactus Pose, Cat/Cow, Puppy Pose, Wheel Pose

The Basics.


Location: Center of chest

Developmental Stage: Ages 22-28

Color: Green

Element: Air


Chakra Series: The Throat.


Chakra Series: The Solar Plexus.