The journey from point A to B - like healing - isn’t always linear. In this workshop, discover how to productively link personal synchronicities with universally shared human experiences using the Tarot system in a way that resonates with you on both a logical and spiritual level. We’ll discover deeper connective energies that influence the ride in a safe, judgment-free setting of divine connection and understanding. In this follow up to our introductory class, we will be exploring the art of blending different decks, as well as utilizing other spiritual tools and advanced spreads to deepen our subconscious awareness. Topics covered include Jungian archetypes, symbolism, imagery, elemental correspondences, numerology, astrology, and other intuitive tools that can be found in the Tarot Major/Minor Arcana.
Bring a journal, pen, water, and an open heart/mind. A wide selection of oracle and tarot decks will be provided, but please feel free to bring your own; Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot decks are recommended, but not required. All participants will be provided with reference sheets and journal templates (PDF); as well as a social media community to evolve and collaborate with!
Duration: 120min.
Payment: $30 Cash or Venmo (@kaylaandreaparker)
Registration: Please contact to be added to the guest list!