A fresh approach to Oracle and Tarot readings.
I know what you’re thinking - People often hear the terms “Oracle” or “Tarot” and automatically cut to visions of a woman sitting at a table surrounded by dimly lit candles while gazing into a crystal ball. “You’ve come to me because… you want to KNOW something!” Contrary to popular belief, intuitive readings aren’t about predicting the future, retrieving lost items or communicating with cackling ghosts. This spiritually guided modality is used to provide insight and tools with the intention of preparing you for the recurring, inevitable twists and turns of life. In fact, Carl Jung used tarot as a tool for connecting to the subconscious mind and mapping archetypal characteristics and synchronicities. Possessing the ability to view a situation from multiple angles and perspectives will make you feel more confident walking into new relationships, jobs or energies - a fresh, intuitively guided sense of clarity! I cannot stress enough that my role as an intuitive reader is not to tell you what to do or how to live your life. My process is extremely collaborative. By having an extensive knowledge of the Tarot system, blended with astrological and numerical correspondences to match your inquiry, this practice can open your mind to new possibilities and methods of healing. Remember… you are the narrator of your own life! Want to learn how to do it yourself but don’t know where to start? Rest assured… you absolutely can! Check out the Calendar for upcoming Oracle/Tarot workshops & classes or schedule a private coaching session!