Chakra Series: The Third Eye.
Ajna is your sixth chakra, the center for intuition, imagination, perception, and vision. The energy of this chakra allows you to experience clear thought, integration with your higher self and self-reflection.
Central Issues: Imagination, intuition, understanding, psychic seat, knowing
Vices: Negativity, doubt, overthinking
Balancing/Revitalizing Crystals: Amethyst, howlite, lapis lazuli, merlinite
Balancing/Revitalizing Essential Oils: Bay laurel, clary sage, juniper, lavender
Mantra: “I release any stagnant energy that no longer serves my highest self.”
In Practice: Forward Fold, Dolphin Pose, Child’s Pose, Corpse Pose
The Basics.
Location: Directly between eyebrows
Developmental Stage: Ages 36-42
Color: Indigo
Element: Space/Ether (light)